How To Be EDC Ready: What Do You Need

What is everyday carry or EDC? Everyone has it, though everyone may not call it that exactly. They are items you carry with you every day for self-defense or just regular life. Our nation has always prioritized every citizen’s right to self-protection and encouraged survival awareness.

That’s why our every day carry gear or kits can include items like guns and knives, along with regular essentials like your wallet, keys, and phone. If you want to be prepared for everything, we’ve got you covered. 

Here’s our checklist that will ensure that you’re ready for everything because it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

1. Gun

Have you ever heard the saying, “You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight?” Well, it’s true! If you ever find yourself cornered by a thug with a bat, knife, or some other weapon, your best chance at scaring them off and protecting yourself is drawing your concealed carry gun. 

Nearly a third of American adults personally own a gun, and about 10% more have access to it in the home, though they don’t own it themselves. About 75% of gun owners name self-protection as their reason for owning it. So, if you include a gun in your EDC gear, you’re not alone. 

2. Clip 

Now if you have a gun in your EDC gear, that’s not enough on its own. If you ever have to use it, you’ll need to reload it. Reloading individual bullets into a magazine takes too long and if you’re in a stressful situation the ammo might fal from your hands. That’s where clips come in. They hold your ammunition in a way that makes loading your gun much faster. 

3. Holster

If you have a gun, you’re going to need a place where you can put it safely. Don’t be tempted to just keep it in your pocket or fannypack. Gun hoslters are specialized to keep you safe by covering the trigger and trigger guard. Holsters can come separately or with a belt. 

4. IDs and Licenses

Keeping your ID on you is useful for more than just getting into a bar. You should have it on your person at all times in case you ever face any trouble. The same goes for your driver’s license and gun license. You never know what can happen so it’s better to keep them on you and not need them than to need them and not have them on you.

5. Knife

Army-grade knives can be lifesavers. You don’t necessarily need to be an outdoorsman to keep an army knife on you at all times. When you’re stuck in any situation a knife can come in handy so many ways, it just depends on how resourceful you are. You can use it to open things, whittle, open packages, letters, and more. 

6. Multipurpose Keychains

Now you can’t leave the home without your home and car keys. Imagine if, instead of a regular keychain, you used one that could be a dozen other things. Everything we left off this list can be a part of a multipurpose keychain. You can complete your EDC gear with the following in a convenient keychain:

  1. Can openers
  2. Corkscrews
  3. bottle openers
  4. Lighters
  5. Filers
  6. Flashlights